Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yeah Riiiiiiiight

I have been told by friends that support our president, blindly I might add, that our president does everything out of love for his fellow man.  I find this almost laughable.  There are many things this president has done that prove he is just another political hack looking for as much power as possible, but the one thing that seems to stick out the most to me, besides his ears,  oops, sorry, not supposed to make jokes about this president.  I forgot my place here in the US.  I forgot for a second there, that I am a white, male,and conservative, loser not allowed to give his opinion of this president, unless I be cast as a racist.
Now where was I?  Oh yeah, this president, love for his fellow man being his motivation to be president, oh yeah, that's right.
Is not the President of the US,the most powerful man in the world?  In fact, if I remember right, during his nomination victory speech in 08' he stated "Generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation"
Really?  Now that you are the Democratic nomination, your going to do what only God does? Lower the ocean levels and get our planet to heal?  Okaaaaay.
So I say all that to say this.  If all of that is true, then why in the world am I still paying $3.50 a gallon for gas?!   And that's cheap compared to the east and west coast.  One of the biggest factors affecting (RT, I hope that's the right word, HA) the poor and middle class is the price of fuel.  It's not just that it's now more expensive to get to and from work, but high fuel prices drive up the cost of everything.  Food, products, our precious electronic toys, cost of services, everything's cost is directly related to the cost of the fuel it takes to move product and get services to us.
You say your doing everything out of love for your fellow man?  Then, quit being such a tool for the whacked out environmental left, and get the gas flowing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Back in the saddle again!! Whooo Hooo!

Right on!!  I got a job!!  So excited!   I started on monday, and it looks like good work, still in the RV business so that is good!  I was getting pretty down!  When you go to walmart to try and  get work, and they tell you they don't need you, and then start going around the store and see some of the people they actually hire?  Whew!  that was a blow to my ego!  HA!

Anyways, now I will feel more like posting, because before, I would start but then just get depressed and when I would get done writing a draft I would look over it and see that it was just all down and out stuff.  And I didn't want to post that stuff!

So, hopefully you will hear more from the Sasquatch!!